Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Aubryn Aubryn Aubryn

Well its been a month since Johns been gone and it seems that little Miss Aubby is taking it worse and worse. I actually think she might be a little depressed. Its sad that she knows and understands!

We have had to keep this little one very busy.

We took a beach trip and it was wonderful to see her be so adventurous and exploring her imagination.

First she was a pirate out at see and then she was a pelican eating a jellyfish but my favorite had to be when she was swimming in the sand pretending to be washed up seaweed.

Chasing the seagulls I think was her favorite part of the day.

We found a huge chunk of driftwood so Aubryn used it as her pirate ship and she said it was coral reef and a jet ski.

She exhausted her self out.
At the end of the day she was the happiest litle girl ever. She is so amazing most of the time. And that was the end of our Adventurous day to lighthouse Park beach.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ash is starting to grow!

With just turning a year old Ash is weighing in at 17lbs 26inches long. Which is really small but considering that he was pre-mature he is right where he should be. Not quite on the charts yet but starting to catch up. And the good thing is he has trippled his birth weight. He was 5lb 3oz and 17in long.

Doctors are concerned about his height and size of his head. He is very short and his head is big for his age. He just now is able to sit up on his own. For the longest time his head out weighed his body and he would fall back.

Health wise has been a battle for the LaBossiere household. Since the birth of Ash hes had RSV twice, pneumonia 3 times and bronchitis twice. Dealing with that and his many food allergies and his excema it gets quite exciting some times. Anything his skin comes in contact with just seems to flair up and rash resulting in him itching until he bleeds. Its so sad! So I had to switch all our detergents to free and clear. And I have to be very careful about the soaps we use.

But summer is just about over and Im so excited for the winter. Ash is excema is going to be very adventurous this cold season. It will be at its worst. So I imagine we'll be in the house most of the winter.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Deployment has started!

John has finally left for his 4th tour to Iraq. Its going to be along next 14 months. Probably miserable! But GOD will provide and we'll get through this. We always do!

Aubryn is starting to ask for him less but still isnt sleeping through the night. She misses her daddy. Its definately going to be the hardest on her. She is almost four (October) and she understands so well. I almost wish she didnt! She has so many questions!

Ash Just turned a year. And he'S too little to understand this mess. His gentle smile gets us through the day. And he is just so HAPPY!

Baby LaBossiere #3 is baking as we speak. Another one on the way! But this time I get to do it all on my own. With the help of family and friends.
God has BLESSED me with an Amazing family. I am so Grateful to have such a wonderful husband and fun loving children.