With just turning a year old Ash is weighing in at 17lbs 26inches long. Which is really small but considering that he was pre-mature he is right where he should be. Not quite on the charts yet but starting to catch up. And the good thing is he has trippled his birth weight. He was 5lb 3oz and 17in long.
Doctors are concerned about his height and size of his head. He is very short and his head is big for his age. He just now is able to sit up on his own. For the longest time his head out weighed his body and he would fall back.
Health wise has been a battle for the LaBossiere household. Since the birth of Ash hes had RSV twice, pneumonia 3 times and bronchitis twice. Dealing with that and his many food allergies and his excema it gets quite exciting some times. Anything his skin comes in contact with just seems to flair up and rash resulting in him itching until he bleeds. Its so sad! So I had to switch all our detergents to free and clear. And I have to be very careful about the soaps we use.
But summer is just about over and Im so excited for the winter. Ash is excema is going to be very adventurous this cold season. It will be at its worst. So I imagine we'll be in the house most of the winter.
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